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We will be riding high up in the mountains, so bring warm and comfortable clothes with you. Although it is summertime, it can still get freezing cold in the mountains. Especially at nights. At times we will be trekking 1000 m above sea levels. Even though some summer days can get very warm, it can change in an instant. You have to pack for all seasons!

•             Hat/cap, scarf and mittens

•             Wool socks

•             Long johns/underpants (Wool)

•             Solid riding clothes and waterproof clothing

•             Riding or hiking boots (high/above ankle)

•             Towel and toiletries (wet wipes)

•             Swimwear

•             Slippers, crocs, and such

•             Powerbank and headlight.

•             Snacks, candy, wine, cider, beer, etc. (we serve tea, coffee and water/lemonade)

•             In addition you need regular clothes to wear while staying at Kvistli Gård.

•             Good mood!

Sist oppdatert 13.01.2020 kl. 15:47

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