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Wintertime in the Norwegian mountains

* Special offer foreign customers *

Season: week 7, 8, 9 and 10

5 days: Arrival at Monday – Departure Friday

- This is ideal for stable clubs/riding groups who are interested in developing as riders

- Experience Norwegian winter from the back of a icelandichorse

- Riding trips in loose snow

- Horse riding in the moonlight

- Close to Norwegian nature and the national park

- On tour – we will be lighting a fire, barbeque and storytelling

- Increase your riding skills with riding lessons 

- We have sevral horses, so it is a good opportunity to try different horses.

We have focus on small groups, (max 8 pcs).

Price: NOK 9950,-

Sist oppdatert 27.11.2024 kl. 07:27

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