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Anne Margrethe 


Anne Ma has been around horses since birth. Her mother and father bought the first horse for the family the year before she was born, and after this it took off and eventually there were many horses.
Anne Ma's father had at most 60 horses when he ran riding holidays from Hjerkinn Fjellstue for a total of 10 years in the 1980s and early 1990s. Then there were 5 years of operation from Furuhaugli Turisthytter, where Anne Ma had the main responsibility for the last two years of operation.
Since then, there have been many hours with horses: Almost a year of practice in Iceland, agronomist training, countless riding courses, Feif-Level 2/ A instructor course on Icelandic horses.



Morten has been working with Icelandic horses since his youth.
When he fell in love with Anne Ma as a 15-year-old, he had to replace his moped with a horse.
In a short time, he has acquired a lot of knowledge and gained a lot of experience in the field.
In recent years, Morten has taken part in many courses, and he has taken training as a B-level instructor on the Icelandic horse at Starum, in addition to working as an examiner in the equine field. He is a jack of all trades, who is a caretaker, shoes horses and has steely control over finding his way in the mountains. Morten is also a man of the mountains, and particularly likes to go on overnight trips in the mountains. He loves hunting, fishing and the outdoors both summer and winter - he has even learned to shoot a bow and arrow from his horse!


Ingrid has been an apprentice with us for 2 years.
She has passed the diploma very well, and been working for us for a whole year. She worked here with taming and training the horses.

She has quickly joined the family and we are very happy to have her here.
She is always cheerful and helpful and has a good team with the horses.
She also has her own horse that is a competition horse.

She is a responsible guide and good with people.


Åse has been here for over 12 years now, both in work and as an apprentice. She completed her apprenticeship in 2020.
Åse is eager to work, she is alwas doing something.
She has great control over everything that happens and a full overview of horses and guests.
It is a pleasure to see how grown up and beautiful a person she has become. She is active in the outdoors and loves all kinds of animals.




Oda og Timbur

Oda first came here two times as a guest, but started working here in 2011 and has since become an nice addition to the "Kvistli- family".
She is a cheerful and pleasant girl, with a good team of both people and horses. Oda herself grew up in a family with many Icelandic horses, and she is well used to animals.
She is from the forests of Sokna, but likes the mountains very much - it seems as if she has a little "mountain farmer" in her.
She has studied outdoor life, and likes tent life and all that it entails. Oda takes all challenges head on and is a tough girl, with a smile on her face on most occasions. She usually works as a police officer.



Lotte is a kind and pleasant girl who knows a lot about a lot of things!!
She is a trained interpreter for the deaf and has been in the defense in the dogservice.

She has a professional certificate with horses and long experience with horses.

Lotte is helpful and patient. She is always kind and gentle and have a smile on her face.
A terrific addition to the Kvistli family.


Hedda is both a dog girl and a horse girl. She actively works with mush dogs and this year aims to participate in the big races with her own team, which she trains and takes care of on a daily basis.
She has been riding for much of her life and is just as good with horses as she is with dogs.
Hedda has not worked here for long, but she settled into the job quickly and we feel very comfortable in her company. Hedda is really good at the outdoors and loves the nature.



Kristin is from Bærum, and is a sociable and pleasant girl who enjoys being around horses and getting a little dirty on her hands...perhaps not a typical Bærum girl?
She is happy and pleasant, with a warm and nice sense of humor.

She is also a super guide. She was in Iceland working with tourist riding for a little while a few years ago, and came to Kvistli for the first time to gain some experience in horse taming. This was in the winter time, but in the end we persuaded her to come in the summer as well.
Kristin had her first summer here with us in 2015, and we are happy to have her in the "family".



Julie is a super sweet girl who is good with horses and people.

She has had her own horse for many years.
Julie is adult and responsible for her age, always gentle and welcoming.
We are very happy to have Julie in our family :-)

She has complete control over everything to do with the horses and is not bad in the kitchen ;-)


Marie is a travel-loving and active.
She has had horses both as a hobby and as a job for much of her life.
She works daily in a nursery and she is good with children, possibly because she is so childish herself :-)
Marie is steady as a mountain, and efficient in everything she does.

She is a good guide, and she often is the one pople likes to have to lead the group if you like a trip with a lot of speed.


Phi is our Aunt Sophie!!
She is retired and has no free time on her hands.
She spends her days with her dogs both in the summer and wintertime. She drives dog sleds with kelpies, herds sheep in the summer and is a guide here with us when needed. And it is needed almost all the time.

Phi is well educated in horses and has been a farmer for most of her life.

She is a versatile and lively lady who is a role model for us all.

Sist oppdatert 22.11.2024 kl. 17:44

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